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NI cRIO-905x Series
Dual-Core CPU, SSD Storage, Artix 7 FPGA, CompactRIO Controller
Key Features
- USB 3.1 Host port, Gigabit Ethernet, and other peripheral ports
- 4 or 8 Slots for CompactDAQ modules
- CPU Atom dual-core
- SSD Storage 2 or 4 GB
- Operating system: LabVIEW Real-Time
The NI cRIO-905x Series are rugged, deployable controllers for data acquisition and control applications. They offer Intel Atom dual-core processing, an Artix-7 FPGA and with either 4 or 8 slots for C Series modules.
They run the NI Linux Real-Time operating system with access to the I/O through NI-DAQmx drivers or with the LabVIEW FPGA module. The controllers provide precise, synchronised timing and deterministic communications over the network using TSN, ideal for distributed measurements and control.
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